BLee, Inc. is the Corporate Responsibility Partner to The Ruby Ennis Foundation. The founder of BLee, Inc.
Bobby Lee Ennis is the visionary for both organizations. The Ruby Ennis Foundation is a non profit organization
committed to freeing, helping and rebuilding battered women and homeless women and children. These
causes are very personal ones to Ennis as his life was impacted by these very things.
BLee, Inc. will donate 15% of its profit annually to the foundation, along with overseeing the operation and
governance of the organization. The foundation is named in honor of Ennis' mother, the late Ruby Ennis who
had her own struggles with drug abuse and was a battered woman; she persevered and overcame IT all. It is
her drive and determination for a better life that fuels her son Bobby to give that same energy to the foundation
to help these women and children in need.
In the United States, 15%- 76% of women will be beaten by their intimate partners at some point in their lives*.
Some of the risk factors of being a victim of domestic violence are as follows:
• Women with low self-esteem and low self-worth
• Substance abuse
• Lack of education
• Limited financial opportunities
• Lack of safe spaces for women and girls to seek help
The goal of The Ruby Ennis Foundation is to reduce the numbers of battered women in this country. To end this,
the organization's programming will wort; to uplift a woman's self-esteem, help her recover from substance abuse,
improve her rn..-,cial outlook by providing eciJcciional assistalcelemchment CIld provide her with job skills
trairing. The pimacle of the fOl61dation is a oousng facilty 'lIlItlich will be a safe haven for 'MImen and girts
seeking help and shelter from their abusers.
The foundation was created in memory ..,d honor of the late Ruby Ennis, mother r:I Bobby Lee (BLee) Ennis. Ms.
Ruby Ennis was a baltered worn., who atlt10ugh had her struggles lIIlittl drug abuse; she persevered, went
th«lugh the gueling plO(eSs of recovery and heali\g to overcome it alt. The fwndlttjon's eore mi$sion is to emwe
!hat Ihese aIle<tedwomon ... fivtn ...-"""y10 lhe do .........
The "Heale<l'Woman_.lhe..c_stic.
• She_._ ......,., God,'" _.10 ace"""'" tis plan"" her lie
• She _iale.Golf. clesignofmen"'_ l<esbeilg.gi1and aclsll<ealady
• Her_Is......ofholMnly............_i1pmpttly • Her_-, _andblaze i1lhe dlrkhcuof-.ty
She_nalplacalho_'"_Iw_i1..'_...... _
ShIll nat_lllld If-.yblalae...~lilt.._118maIIr 1I ....cII.1I
On any given day there are more than two million homeless
people in the United States. The U.S. Conference of Mayors
found that families with children comprised 23% of the homeless
population; that means that approximately 500,000 women and
children are homeless on our streets every day!
The cause and effect of homelessness is as varied as are the
individual situations that propelled these families to this place. The
goal of The Ruby Ennis Foundation is not to be a Band-Aid to the
problem of homelessness but to be a problem salven The
programs will focus on rebuilding women and families from the
inside out.
Being homeless creates a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness
for its sufferers. They often feel that they have failed themselves
and their families, hence lower seW-esteem and low seW-worth sets
in. Continually trying to find help in family, friends and community
resources to no avail, many often give up on themselves, their
_.and often-their fi....
The Ruby EI1Ili. Foundation seelt. to be the "e haven for th..e
women and their 'hichn. The foundation wi plOlride sheler,
,ou..tlng and tie sUls training .0 that these f_. can
betome whole again and get their .... back on track. The
_nrI The Ruby Ennis Foundation is avery personat one to
II fOlllcler, Bobby Le. Ennis, who along will lis molhor ......
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